Sunday, April 09, 2006


Loveless is my favorite anime/manga ever, I’m not going to explain to much about the storyline because there are so many great pages who have a large an detailed explanation.

I found out about loveless anime by chance, actually I was looking for some sukisyo info and I bump to a great site, and I start reading all her articles and when I saw the loveless one I like the graphics and I download it. Lather, I read that the manga develop better the character so I download it (It was a really hard to find). I’m kind of glad that I watch first the anime and read the manga lather because otherwise I’ll hated the anime for sure.

The anime was great, I mean it have the best Seiyuu (people who make the voice of the character), by the way I love the girl who make Ritsuka voice I was really surprised when I listen it because she make Echizen Ryoma (from Prince of tennis) voice, but I really like how she make Ritsuka voice, specially when she said “Semei” :P it’s kind of sexy. The anime have the cutes character design, I love how they draw Soubi *drools*, a really great graphics I love the battle parts, the music was good too, I love the opening song. You can say that loveless anime have it all…but but BUT when it came to the plot or the character they kind of kill it, specially to my beloved Soubi *cry in a corner*. Even if apparently looks like them keep the original plot, they skip a lot of important details, and the last chapter was the stupid thing I ever saw, is like they don’t know how to end it x_X. When I end watching Lovelles I was like ¿is this right? I mean I really really REALLY hate shota (I think is sick yara yara…), but in the manga I have a totally different feeling, like Ritsuka is not loosing his ears in a long long time :P (sorry soubi xD).

About the characters:

Ritsuka: In the anime he just look like a sad, hurt, confused, angry little boy (he’s 12)…He look like a little boy but he doesn’t act like one. In the manga beside the sad part, is more like a kid, he’s sweet and he has a lot of attention to Soubi that they skip it in the anime, like the umbrella part or the cellular kiss *grin* and some times he seems hapy ( a little bit). In the anime they don’t show the character development, he stay the same. In themanga he begun like a weak kid and slowly start to change and end up showing a lot of character (like the "strip" part xD).

Soubi: In the anime you can’t see Soubi real feelings or motives, he’s just some old (well not that old, he’s 20 o 19 I think) guy who have a “Lolita complex” xD, he’s just weird, a liar, masochist (in denial xD), manipulator and a little bit insane, and like Ritsuka in the anime he’s character doesn’t develop, he’s weird in the whole thing. In the manga he’s still a masochist, manipulator and a big fat liar xD (but we love him for it) but you can see that Soubi truly care to Ritsuka more than just following some orders, there are a lot of details and hints that it prove it. You can see how Soubi start changing from the mysterious and distant Soubi from the beginning to a hurt Soubi (dam you Semei) a confuse one, and afraid one *sob*. You can see Soubi motives...well just a little, because I read until Volume 6 and Soubi is still a big mystery to me.

Yuiko: Well, she’s annoying in the both manga and anime. When I was watching the anime I have the worst bad feeling ever, that she will be the loveless fighter *hit the head in the wall*. By the way I hope that fighter doesn’t show up soon, I’m not sure that soubi can take it x_X.
She really confuse me, she seems like a idiot, but some time she look like she can see how things really are, that why I feel like she was going to be a big surprise, specially when she said that she could die for Ritsuka. But I hope she remain stupid (for Soubi Sake >.<).

When I read that loveless was licensed by Tokyopop I was happy, but surprised because the whole BL (boys love) thing, I finally got my copy from e-bay, next time I’ll get it from Tokyopop I don’t want to miss the postcards and stuff again :( I read it whit the fansub copy that I have, just to compare and they don’t make to many changes, I thought they will censored something but I’m glad they didn’t. Sadly the next come out until June.

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